Rabu, 19 Oktober 2016


Artikel copy dan paste dibawah merupakan strategy kroni-kroni Dajjal yang diketuai oleh Rothschild untuk mengusai Mesir. Nampaknya strategy yang sama sedang digunakan di Malaysia. Sama-sama kita mengambil iktibar. 


Menguasai Mesir bermaksud menguasai hampir separuh pemikiran umat Islam dunia. Walaupun 300 tahun dahulu Mesir bukan negara rujukan ulama dunia, tetapi kini fatwa Al-Azhar dirujuk hampir satu billion umat Islam dan menjadi pegangan pemikir politik yang pro-Islam atau Islam Sekular.

Dajjal tahu akan hal ini dan agennya (Rothschild) sentiasa berusaha merealisasikan konspirasi bagi menguasai seluruh umat Islam.

(Gambar) Pemimpin-pemimpin Mesir Freemason di salah satu kuil mereka di Kaherah, Mesir era 1940-an.

Potret di kuil freemason tersebut ialah gambar King Farouk.


Tahun kritikan kejatuhan Mesir adalah pada era 1860-an ketika Mesir dibawah pemerintahan Ismail Pasha. Memandangkan Ismail sangat berkeinginan melihat negaranya maju seperti negara2 Eropah lain (ditambah dgn beliau sendiri yg berpendidikan Eropah), maka kesempatan ini diambil Rothschild melalui agen2nya yg berada di Mesir.

Projek pembinaan Terusan Suez pemerintahan dinasti Ali Pasha dijalankan oleh jurutera Perancis, Ferdinand de Lesseps. Kos projek ini meningkat berjuta2 pound setiap tahun akibat peperangan.

Pada 1862, agen Rothchild di Mesir, Herman Oppenheim telah membantu Said 
Pasha mendapatkan pinjaman kewangan daripada bank Eropah. Said Pasha memerlukan pinjaman tersebut bagi meneruskan pembinaan Terusan Suez.

Kemudian pada 1864, Herman sekali lagi menguruskan pinjaman kewangan untuk kerajaan Mesir sebanyak 5,700,000 pound. Jumlah yg diberikan kepada Mesir hanya 4,660,000 pound sahaja yg mana bunga bank telah ditolak awal-awal lagi. Sebagai cagaran kepada pinjaman besar itu, Ismail Pasha bersetuju menyerahkan hasil maksum tiga kawasan dagangan di Mesir.

Setahun selepas itu, Ismail Pasha membuat pula ''pinjaman peribadi'' (Personal Loan) di Anglo-Egyptian Bank sebanyak 3,387,000.
Tetapi jumlah tunai yang diterima hanyalah 2,750,000 setelah ditolak bunga bank. Separuh dari pinjaman ini digunakan untuk membeli hartanah dan separuh darinya utk membeli kilang memproses gula.

Pada 1866, kerajaan Mesir membuat beberapa pinjaman besar dari Messr Fruhling & Goschen bagi menanggung projek mega Mesir iaitu pembinaan landasan keretapi. Dalam pinjaman ini juga, Mesir hanya menerima 2,640,000 daripada perjanjian asal sebanyak 3,000,000 pound.

Pada 1867, Ismail Pasha membuat lagi pinjaman peribadi daripada Imperial Ottoman Bank milik Perancis sebanyak 2,080,000 dalam usaha membeli lebih banyak kawasan tanaman tebu untuk perniagaan gulanya. 
Tetapi Ismail hanya diberikan 1,700,000 pound secara tunai, 
Pinjaman peribadi dibuat lagi oleh beliau pada 1870 dengan kadar 7,143,000.

Pinjaman terus-menerus saban tahun yang dilakukan pemerintah Mesir telah mengakibatkan hutang negara meningkat dengan mendadak sedangkan pendapatan negara tidak seberapa. Pemeritah Mesir ketika itu tidak mahir ilmu perbankan kewangan, mereka tidak faham cara berniaga Yahudi-Freemason bidang perbankan. Formula ekonomi Yahudi Rothschild ialah meningkatnya hutang kerajaan terhadap bank maka meningkatlah kadar ''penguasaan hartanah'' negara Mesir.

Kemudian pada 1868, kerajaan Mesir membuat lagi pinjaman sebanyak 11,890,000 dengan kadar bunga yang sangat tinggi. Jumlah tunai yang diterima ke dalam akaun hanyalah 7,195,000 sahaja. Pinjaman besar ini menggunakan khidmat Herman.

Pada 11 Jun 1873, kerajaan Mesir telah membuat pinjaman paling besar sepanjang pemerintahannya iaitu 32 juta pound dengan kadar bunga tahunan yang paling tidak munasabah iaitu 20 peratus setahun.

Kita amat hairan mengapa hutang dibuat hampir setiap tahun? Adakah kerajaan Mesir tidak sedar bahawa pendapatan Mesir tidak mampu melangsaikan semua hutang tersebut dalam masa singkat? Dan mengapa pula bank-bank Rothschild terus-menerus meluluskan pinjaman sedangkan mereka tahun Mesir tidak mempunyai pendapatan yang banyak untuk membayar balik?

Ismail Pasha juga menggunakan wang tersebut untuk menampung kos hidup mewahnya seperti pengubahsuaian istana beliau dan barang-barang mewah.

Dalam hal membuat pinjaman yg banyak ini, Ismail tidak melihat hasil maksum tahunan negara. Beliau seronok menghabiskan wang dgn usaha pemodenan yg boleh memberikan publisiti kepada pemerintahannya.


Rothschild melihat ini satu peluang untuk menguasai Mesir kerana setiap pinjaman mesti disertakan cagaran hartanah atau organisasi perniagaan. Kerajaan Mesir tidak sedar, kebanyakan tanah-tanah utama kawasan industri telah banyak dicagarkan kepada Rothschild maka disebabkan itu Rothschild terus-menerus memberi pinjaman jutaan pound setiap tahun.

Rothschild tidak mengharapkan bayaran balik tetapi mahu memegang geran tanah negara agar boleh mencengkam ekonomi Mesir ratusan tahun akan datang. Sekiranya didapati harga tanah sesuatu negara sangat mahal maka Rothschild akan menurunkan nilai hartanah tersebut dengan cara mencetuskan peperangan.

Tidak akan ada pelabur yang akan membuka perniagaan dikawasan yang sentiasa berperang. Apabila tanah tersebut telah dibeli hakmilik daripada pemerintah, Rothschild dengan pantas akan mengarahkan agen2nya menghentikan peperangan dgn serta merta (mereka mampu menghentikannya serta merta kerana mereka sendiri yg mencetuskannya)


Pendapatan cukai melalui sistem pinjaman Muqabala dan Ruznameh masih tidak mencukupi utk kerajaan Mesir membayar hutang-hutang Rothschild.
Oleh itu, Ismail Pasha telah membuat keputusan menjual saham-saham dalam Terusan Suez-nya. Hebahan ini dibuat kepada pelabur-pelabur British dan Perancis.

Selepas hebahan jualan saham dibuat, Rothschild London mengarahkan agennya, Benjamin Disraeli (Perdana Menteri Britain ketika itu) membuat belian. Disraeli membeli saham Terusan Suez agar British mempunyai kepentingan dalam terusan tersebut. Dalam masa yg sama, kerajaan British juga tidak mempunyai cukup modal bagi membeli saham Suez.

Oleh itu, Disraeli secara rahsia mengarahkan kementerian kewangan Britain membuat pinjaman kepada bank Rothschild sebanyak 4 juta pound tanpa melalui kelulusan anli-ahli parlimen.

Rothschild berjaya memiliki Terusan Suez dengan memperkudakan kerajaan Britain melalui agen-agennya dalam kabinet Britain. Apabila Suez diperolehi maka pedagang2 akan menggunakan laluan tersebut sebagai jalan pintas ke Asia, maka ini boleh menjana pendapatan kepada pemegang2 saham Suez yg mengutipnya melalui tol terusan.


Detik kebankrapan Mesir ialah apabila kerajaan British berjaya menguasai saham harta terbesar Mesir iaitu Terusan Suez.

Ismail sebagai pemerintah telah tertekan dengan keadaan ini namun membiarkan sahaja suruhanjaya memanipulasi perbendaharaan negara.

Hanya seorang yg menentang suruhanjaya ini iaitu Ismail Sadik, Menteri Kewangan Mesir.

Malangya, Ismail telah ditemui mati lemas secara misteri di Sungai Nil dan dipercayai angkara orang-orang suruhanjaya dan Rothschild.

Apa yang hebatnya tentang perancangan Rothschild ini ialah pada Oktober 1875, tahun yg sama juga, kerajaan khalifah Turki Utmaniyah telah diisytiharkan bankrap dari sebab yg sama iaitu ketidakmampuan membayar hutang bank Rothschild.


Ismail Pasha bersetuju menyerahkan hak hartanah negara Mesir kepada Rothschild dan ini memberikan kejayaan kepada bank-bank Yahudi-Freemason. Pada 28 Ogos 1878 secara rasminya suruhanjaya mengisytiharkan sebuah kabinet Mesir baru yang dianggotai oleh agen-agen Rothschild.

Antara 1870-an hingga 1898, ia merupakan tempoh kerajaan Mesir hidup di dalam pentadbiran yg defisit, iaitu hutang negara melebihi pendapatan negara. Kerajaan Mesir telah menanggung hutang yg sangat tinggi dgn bank-bank Yahud-Freemason di Kaherah. Bank-bank ini pula bijak mengumpan kelemahan pemimpin kerajaan Mesir yg tidak bijak membelanjakan wang rakyat, tambahan pemimpin-pemimpin Mesir kebanyakannya adalah ahli Freemason

Untuk membayar hutang yg bergunung ini, kerajaan Mesir melakukan beberapa langkah drastik yg sangat kejam iaitu menghentikan pembayaran gaji pekerja sektor awam pada 1877 dan meningkatkan cukai-cukai tanah ladang.

Rakyat Mesir juga dipaksa membayar cukai yg tinggi melebihi kemampuan pendapatan mereka. Tekanan ke atas rakyat dibuat kerana setiap tahun ''interest'' pinjaman kerajaan di bank-bank milik Rothschild meningkat.

Salah satu cara yg dibuat kerajaan Mesir ialah meningkat cukai tanah 6 kali ganda kepada semua pemilik tanah seluruh Mesir. Sistem cukai tanah yang luar biasa ini digelar sebagai 'muqabala' dan ''ruznameh''.

Charles River Wilson (Freemason) telah dilantik sebagai presiden bagi suruhanjaya khas menguruskan kewangan Mesir.


Pada 1898 tertubuhlah sebuah bank agen Rothschild yang diberi nama Bank Negara Mesir (National Bank Of Egypt).

Istilah ''Bank Negara'' bukanlah bermaksud ia milik penuh kerajaan Mesir yg dipilih rakyat, ia sebenarnya tetap sebuah bank persendirian tetapi rakyat Mesir ditipu dengan istilah ''Bank Negara''

Rothschild memilih perkataan Bank Negara untuk memanipulasi pemikiran rakyat. Jika dinamakan Bank Of Rothschild , sudah tentu ia akan menerima tentangan kerana bunyi nama tersebut tidak berkepentingan rakyat.a

Maka Rothschild memberi nama ''Bank Negara'' untuk menutup mata rakyat dan istilah ''Bank Negara'' diguna pakai di semua negara dunia (termasuk Malaysia) yang pada hakikatnya bukan milik kerajaan atau lebih jelas lagi, bukan milik rakyat.

Rothschild mengarahkan Cassel menubuhkan NBE supaya dapat menukar sistem wang Mesir daripada penggunaan syiling emas kepada wang kertas. Tujuan penggunaan wang kertas (Tad Lumpkin, seorang pengarah filem animasi menggelarkannya wang kertas tandas) ialah memudahkan Rothschild mengawal inflasi, ekonomi dan dagangan saham seluruh dunia. Dengan wang kertas juga, Rothschild boleh mengawal nilai mata wang sesebuah negara mengikut kemahuannya.

Pada 3 April 1899, Bank Negara Mesir telah mengumumkan penggunaan wang kertas kepada seluruh rakyat Mesir.. Wang syiling emas tidak lagi digunakan, ianya boleh disimpan dibank atau digadaikan utk mengambil nilainya. Ia adalah tarikh keramat Mesir jatuh ke dalam kemiskinan.


Apabila seluruh rakyat Mesir telah mengguna-pakai wang kertas maka bank-bank mula melakukan bisnes kotor iaitu menawarkan pinjaman dgn faedah kpd org2 awam, persatuan, peniaga2 kecil serta badan-badan kerajaan.

Dengan berlakunya lambakan situasi tersebut maka timbullah isu baru dalam dunia perundagan Islam Mesir berkaitan riba bank, dan sebagainya. Banyak perdebatan berlaku dikalangan ulama dan terdapat banyak pandangan dalam isu tersebut.

Bagi memastikan orang2 Islam Mesir mengambil dan mengguna pakai pinjaman riba ini, agen-agen Rothschild di pentadbiran kerajaan Mesir mula memilih ulama-ulama sekular yg cenderung ke arah pemikiran barat dan boleh dipergunakan untuk kepentingan bank.

Jadi, ulama manakah yg boleh bersetuju dgn riba ini kerana ia jelas haram?? Untuk memastikan perancangan berjalan rapi, Rothschild melalui agen-agennya di Mesir sudah pun mempunyai stok ulama khusus dalam hal ini. Maka Rothschild memilih ulama2 Al-Azhar yang menyertai organisasi Freemason di Mesir. Ketika itu, ada tiga ulama terkenal yg menyertai Freemason iaitu Jamaluddin Al-Afghani, Muhammad Abduh dan Muhammad Rashid Rida.


Ulama pertama yg dipercayai mengeluarkan fatwa Riba menghalalkan riba bank atas keadaan-keadaan tertentu ialah Syeikh Muhammad Abduh dan Syeikh Rashid Rida. Fatwa itu dikeluarkan pada 1904.

Kesan dari fatwa yg tidak bertanggungjawab itu, maka ramailah ulama2 kontemporari dari seluruh dunia Islam terpengaruh, tambahan pula pada waktu tersebut, dunia Islam dilanda pengaruh Kaum Muda yang mempunyai ciri-ciri fahaman Wahabi di seluruh dunia.

Ia adalah saat yang menggemparkan ulama-ulama Islam dari seluruh dunia. Ia seolah-olah satu pertembungan pendapat antara golongan ulama muda yg ekstrem menagih pembangunan sosial dengan ulama pondok yg sudah berpengalaman dengan taktik Freemason.

Ulama seluruh dunia tahu bahawa fatwa tersebut adalah ''berat'' dan terselindung pelbagai helah kerana Sheikh Muhammad Abduh dan gurunya, Sheikh Jamaluddin Al-Afghani (kelahiran Iran) adalah ahli Freemason di Kaherah yang bersekongkol dengan Illuminati.

Malah Khalifah Uthmaniyah ketika itu, Sultan Abdul Hamid menggelarkan Sheikh Jamaluddin Al-Afghani sebagai ''pelawak'' di dalam buku log baginda. Gelaran ''penghinaan' itu diberikan berikutan baginda telahpun mengetahui bahawa Jamaluddin adalah perisik British dan sedang berkomplot menjatuhkannya dengan cara menaikkan pemimpin boneka Rothshild di Mekah iaitu Sherif Hussain.

Sebenarnya, perlantikan Muhammad Abduh sebagai Mufti Mesir adalah hasil dari pengaruh Lord Cromer. Pada 1898, ketika Rothschild menubuhkan Bank Negara Mesir, pada masa yang sama juga Majlis Ulamak Al-Azhar telah mengumumkan fatwa sistem perbankan riba yg diamalkan oleh bank-bank di Mesir adalah haram. 
Kenyataan rasmi fatwa ini berlawanan dgn kaedah perniagaan Rothschild, maka bagi mengkaburi umat Islam dan melawan fatwa ini, Lord Cromer dengan kuasanya telah melantik sahabatnya Muhammad Abduh sebagai Mufti Mesir. 
pada 1899, Muhammad Abduh secara rasminya mengumumkan bahawa sistem perbankan riba adalah HALAL.

Dalam majalah Al-Manar keluaran gerakan Wahabi Salafi Mesir, Muhammad Abduh menyebut,

''Riba sememangnya tidak halal dalam semua hal, manakala Pejabat Pos melabur wang yg diambil daripada orang rama melalui deposit, sedangkan wang itu tidak dikira sebagai pinjaman kepada pihak pos.
Ia boleh jadi sebagai wang pelaburan seumpama syarat-syarat bagi suatu perkongsian dalam qirad.''

(Majalah Al-Manar, Vol.VI, bab18, ms 717)


Fatwa riba sebagai halal diteruskan lagi penggunaannya oleh Mufti Mesir selepas itu iaitu Shiekh Muhammad Rasyid Rida, juga seorang Wahabi Salafi dan anak murid kepada Muhammad Abduh. Perlantikan Rasyid Rida seorang warga Syria sebagai Mufti juga sudah tentu di atas restu British kerana beliau membawa fahaman fatwa yg sama. Tambahan pula, Rashid Rida bersama Muhammad Abduh dan Jamaluddin juga merupakan ahli Freemason yang berpangkat di Kaherah.

Ketiga-tiga ulama Freemason ini juga giat melancarkan fahaman menentang ulama-ulama tasawuf dan amalan-amalan tareqat yang diamalkan oleh ulama=ulama berkenaan

* (Malangnya, di dalam buku teks Sejarah Tingkatan 2, nama Jamaluddin Al Afghani dan Shiekh Muhammad Abduh ditulis sebagai pemimpin pembaharuan rakyat Mesir, sedangkan kedua-duanya adalah tali barut British-Freemason)


Sejarah mencatatkan Shiekh Muhammad Abduh dan gurunya melalui gerakan Islam mengajak umat Islam Mesir menentang penjajahan British tetapi dalam masa yang sama, beliau menyertai Freemason Kaherah dan mengeluarkan fatwa menghalalkan riba bank sedangkan beliau sendiri mengetahui ketika itu bank-bank Rothschild sudah mula membuka cawangan di Mesir.

Sehingga kini Mesir mempunyai lebih 400 cawangan bank milik Rothschild. Adakah kedua-duanya benar2 menentang British atau ''diarah' untuk berlakon menentang British??

Adakah sejarah menipu kita atau ahli sejarah sendiri tidak pandai membaca fakta?


Rothschild amat teliti dalam urusan fatwa ini. Rothschild memilih menguasai Mesir satu ketika dahulu melalui pembelian saham Terusan Suez supaya negara Mesir dapat dikuasai.

Apabila pimpinan kerajaan Mesir dikuasai, secara automatisnya autoriti melantik mufti, jawatankuasa ulama dan proses menggubal perlembagaan negara juga dikuasai.

Rothschild memerlukan satu perkataan sahaja yang keluar dari Mufti Al-Azhar iaitu HALAL. Selepas itu, seluruh jiwa dan raga rakyat Islam seluruh dunia akan berjaya dicengkam.
Mengapa mesti Mufti Al-Azhar? Ianya kerana seluruh umat Islam dunia lebih tertumpu kepada pandangan para ulama Al-Azhar.
Menguasai Mufti Al-Azhar bermaksud menguasai fatwa umat Islam seluruh dunia.


Majlis Fatwa Mesir sendiri iaitu Darul Iftaa adalah majlis propaganda yg dibina sendiri oleh Rothschild. Darul Iftaa dibina untuk melawan fatwa ulama Al-Azhar lain yg bersifat bebas.

Majlis Fatwa ini diwujudkan bagi memporak-perandakan pegangan pendapat umat Islam.

Kemudian Rothschild telah mewujudkan 3 lagi majlis fatwa di Mesir. Menurut Abdel Rahman, kewujudan tiga majlis fatwa ini telah mengelirukan sekian lama umat Islam Mesir.


JIka golongan ulama sebegini berani memutar beli ayat al-Quran dan melabelkan yang haram kepada harus maka masyarakat awam juga wajar melabelkan ulama sebegini ''Ulama Syaitan''.

Ulamak tersohor, Imam Habib Abdullah Haddad menyebut dalam kitabnya An-Nashaih Ad-Diniyyah Wal Washaaya al-Imaniyah;

''Mereka (orang alim) gemar membuka pintu ta'wil dan menunjukkan kpd org awam cara2 mudah utk menentukan sesuatu hukum agama, sehingga terbukalah jalan utk membelit atau menipu...'''

''Orang alim yg bersikap seperti ini ialah syaitan yg durjana, pengingkar dan penentang Allah dan RasulNya. Sebenarnya ia telah dilantk oleh Syaitan untuk menjadi wakilnya di dunia, agar ia biasa menabur fitnah dajjal dan menunjuk kepada kesesatan dan kekeliruan...''

Riba bank khususnya atas 'pinjaman' adalah satu kaedah Rothschild bagi memufliskan sesebuah negara. Negara yg dahagakan permodenan kemudahan asas terpaksa membayar kepada syarikat2 kejuruteraan luar.

Memandakangkan kos upah yg tinggi maka syarikat2 kejuruteraan akan mencadangkan bank-bank kroni mereka utk memudahkan kerajaan membuat pinjaman, maka berhutanglah sesebuah negara sehingga akhirat tanpa kesudahan bayaran.

Malangnya, ulama kontemporari sekarang menganggap wang kertas adalah satu aspek lain dalam penentuan hukum riba perbankan. Ulama ini terpesona dgn ''zauq'' istilah ''prinsip darurah'' yg berlegar2 dalam ''riba-al nasiah''. Mereka juga mengelak daripada membincangkan isu berkenaan penggunaan wang kertas.

p/s: Kisah ini ada banyak persamaan dengan sejarah Malaysia yg sebenarnya ditadbir oleh Freemason.


-Ibn Yacob

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Isnin, 9 Mei 2016

From Golden Dollar to Petro Dollar to Narco Dollar

(F. William Engdahl, NEO) The role as world reserve currency is something no financial hegemon in history has willingly surrendered. It took two world wars for the City of London and Bank of England to reluctantly concede hegemony of the Pound Sterling to the Dollar. As Henry Kissinger is said to have remarked decades ago, “If you control the money, you can control the entire world.” Whether or not Kissinger ever said that publicly, he and his patron, David Rockefeller, certainly believed it. Now, with US government debt shooting past $19 trillion and the true state of the American economy and its infrastructure at its worst since the Great Depression, with most Americans living on the brink of financial disaster, the brilliant financial engineers of Wall Street and Washington have once again come up with a scheme to prolong the role of Dollar as King in the world economy.

The recent Panama Papers revelations by a select group of Western mainstream media including the New York Times, BBC and Süddeutsche Zeitung, were notable as a brazen attempt to attack foreign leaders such as Russia’s Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping for alleged corruption. Notably, the leaked files of the Panama law firm, Mossack Fonseca, so far have failed to leak even one significant name of a US citizen hiding money in offshore accounts of the Panama facilitators.

While the world’s eyes were on the identities of alleged offshore money holders, they failed to consider the longer-term consequence of the huge revelations. The one country so far to benefit from the Panama Papers revelations is the country that is rapidly becoming the new “Panama” or better, the new Switzerland, namely the United States of America, the initiator of attacks on other hot money havens offshore over the past two decades.

Golden Dollar Era

Over the past seventy two years ever since the US and select wartime allied governments met in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire in 1944 to decide the shape of the postwar monetary order, the US dollar has reigned supreme in the world economy. By end of the War in 1945 the US Federal Reserve held the overwhelming bulk of world monetary gold.

As war erupted in Europe in September 1939 with Hitler’s and Stalin’s dismemberment of Poland, European gold was flooding into the United States. In 1935 US official gold reserves had been valued at just over $9 billion. By 1940 after the onset of war in Europe, they had risen to $20 billion. As desperate European countries sought to finance their war effort, their gold went to the United States to purchase essential goods. By the time of the June 1944 convening of the international monetary conference at Bretton Woods, the United States controlled fully 70% of the world’s monetary gold, an impressive advantage. That 70% did not even include calculating the captured gold of the defeated Axis powers of Germany or Japan, where exact facts and data were buried in layers of deception and rumor.

For the following quarter century, the gold-backed US dollar reigned supreme as the rest of the world, especially war-ravaged Western Europe, scrambled to find dollars to pay US imported goods to rebuild their industrial base. The dollar was literally “as good as good,” much as the Pound Sterling had been a century earlier.

Yet by the end of the 1960’s the dollar world had undergone significant change. The economies of France and especially of West Germany had emerged with a new state-of-the-art industrial base and was rapidly becoming an export power challenging American obsolescent industrial goods. The US industrial base had last undergone substantial modernization some three decades before. Europe and later Japan, were posing a competitive challenge to US industry. More alarming for Wall Street banks like David Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan, Citibank or JPMorgan, as US trade dollar earnings of German companies like Mercedes, VW or BMW or Siemens were accumulating in the coffers of the German Bundesbank or Bank of France during the 1960’s an alarming change in policy emerged.

French President Charles de Gaulle, acting on advice of his conservative financial adviser, Jacques Rueff, ordered the Bank of France to begin to redeem its rapidly accumulating trade surplus dollars for gold, something then legal under the rules of Bretton Woods. The conservative German Bundesbank followed in demanding US gold for dollars. In 1968 in one of the first crude versions of their Color Revolutions, the CIA and US State Department toppled President de Gaulle in the events known as the May 1968 student revolt. Despite the replacement of de Gaulle by former Rothschild banker, Georges Pompidou, the foreign demand for Federal Reserve gold redemptions increased as Washington budget deficits to finance the ill-conceived Vietnam War exploded.

By August 1971, President Nixon was advised by his Assistant Treasury secretary, Paul Volcker, a former executive at Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank, to essentially tear up the Bretton Woods Treaty and declare the US dollar a free-floating paper no longer redeemable in gold. The Federal Reserve’s gold reserves over the previous several years had been drained by foreign central banks fearful of the import of US dollar inflation as Washington refused pleas to devalue the dollar to re-stabilize the system. Rueff and France were calling for a 100% dollar devaluation against the Franc or Deutschmark.

Petrodollar era is born

By 1973, in developments I describe in detail in my book, A Century of War, as well as in Myths, Lies & Oil Wars, Wall Street and the Federal Reserve “solved” the problem of a dollar in free-fall—it had devalued some 40% against the Franc, D-mark and Yen after August, 1971—by orchestrating, with the skillful and deceitful diplomacy of then-Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, an OPEC oil price embargo following outbreak of the October, 1973 Yom Kippur War. By early 1974 the price of OPEC oil had been set some 400% above that of 1971. The dollar value soared against other major currencies as Germany, France and the rest of the oil-hungry world scrambled to find 400% more dollars to import their oil. Kissinger at the time wrote about “recycling petrodollars.” The dollar would be backed, not by gold, but by oil.

To be certain that the petrodollar system held, and that OPEC, led by Saudi Arabia, would never be tempted to sell for D-marks, Francs or Yen as those countries tried, Washington took special measures. On June 8 1974, US Secretary of State

Henry Kissinger signed an agreement establishing a US-Saudi Arabian Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation. Its official mandate was co-operation in the field of finance.”

By December 1974 the US Treasury had signed an agreement in Riyadh with the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, whose mission was, “to establish a new relationship through the Federal Reserve Bank of New York with the (US) Treasury borrowing operation. Under this arrangement, SAMA will purchase new US Treasury securities with maturities of at least one year,” explained Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, Jack F. Bennett, later to become a director of Exxon. Wall Street banker, David Mulford of Credit Suisse-FirstBoston was sent by Washington to SAMA in to seal the deal.

Bennett’s memo was addressed to Secretary of State Kissinger, dated February 1975, explaining the arrangements agreed two months before. As part of the secret agreements between Washington and Riyadh negotiated by Bennett, Saudi Arabia, in return for generous US defense equipment purchases and guarantees of its military security, agreed that OPEC would accept only US dollars for their oil, not German Marks despite their clear value, not Japanese Yen nor French Francs or even Swiss Francs, but only American dollars.

That was the essence of the petrodollar system which over the past decade or more has been eroding as Russia, China, Iran and even the EU challenge the role of the dollar as reserve currency. Russia and China, in a defensive move have agreed to energy trade for oil and gas paid not in dollars but in own currencies. Iran recently announced it will accept only Euros for its oil. More and more the days of the dollar demise are being proclaimed.

A new Narco-dollar system?

Now, however, it appears the financial wizards of Wall Street and the US Treasury have come up with a new life-extension idea.

In what must be termed at least a clever attempt to solve the looming crisis of the dollar, a new role of the dollar is emerging from the rubble of the offshore banking crisis triggered by the suspicious hacking of the Panama Papers. The under-regulated United States is rapidly becoming the “new Switzerland” in attracting “hot money” which includes everything from narco dollars from the international drug traffic to hiding of funds offshore by corrupt politicians.

For the past decade or more the US Government and revenue agency have pressured discreet offshore banking centers from Switzerland to the Cayman Islands to British Virgin Islands and beyond allegedly to clamp down on US tax-evading citizens hiding money abroad from the IRS or terrorists moving money to finance Al Qaeda and the likes. But the US government itself has rigidly refused to abide by the new international money reporting rules it caused to be created.

Now, according to a January report in the Bloomberg financial magazine, the result is that the United States itself, in places like Reno, Nevada or South Dakota or Wyoming, are fast becoming the “new Switzerland” hot or secret money havens.

Bloomberg quotes a Zurich attorney, Peter A. Cotorceanu, a lawyer at Anaford AG, “The USA, which has been so sanctimonious in its condemnation of Swiss banks, has become the banking secrecy jurisdiction du jour…That ‘giant sucking sound’ you hear? It is the sound of money rushing to the USA.”

The attraction of secrecy havens inside the US comes from the fact that a very strict money reporting standard set out by the Paris-Based OECD in 2014 has not been signed by four countries: Bahrain, Nauru, Vanuatu—and, guess who…the United States.

In the last months, taking advantage of the Washington hypocrisy, some of the world’s largest private banking managers including Rothschild Trust North America LLC. based in Reno, Nevada. Geneva-based Cisa Trust Co. SA, which advises wealthy Latin Americans, is applying to open in Pierre, South Dakota to “serve the needs of our foreign clients,” said John J. Ryan Jr., Cisa’s president.

Trident Trust Co., one of the world’s biggest providers of offshore trusts, moved dozens of accounts out of Switzerland, Grand Cayman, and other locales and into Sioux Falls, South Dakota in December, ahead of a January 1 disclosure deadline. Commenting on the new phenomenon, Andrew Penney of Rothschild & Co. stated that the US “is effectively the biggest tax haven in the world.”

Making the process even more positive for the dollar, a 2010 USA law, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or Fatca, requires financial firms to disclose foreign accounts held by US citizens and report them to the IRS or face steep penalties. With the US refusing to sign the OECD disclosure rules, US offshore dollars are also flooding back into Reno and other new US banking secrecy havens.

Further, to make other offshore banking centers unattractive, a law implemented in 2011 requires Panama-registered agents to provide client information when requested on all new incorporations, and the British Virgin Islands has adopted restrictions on due diligence. In an investors’ conference recently in San Francisco, Rothschild’s Penney stated in remarks cut from the published version of his remarks, that the US Government lacks “the resources to enforce foreign tax laws and has little appetite to do so.” ix

Now with one of the largest international offshore money facilitators, Panama’s Mossack Fonseca, admitting it is being forced to wind down, the way is clear to make the USA the new Switzerland or Panama. Drug cartels of the world are already clearly informed and a good share of the estimated $1.6 trillion of criminal funds annually are searching new safe havens in Reno and other US hot money havens. From a golden dollar to a petro dollar to now a narco dollar. It’s pretty pathetic for the country that was once the world’s leading industrial technology leader.

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”

Khamis, 3 Mac 2016

Russia Bans US GMO Imports

(F. William Engdahl, NEO) Russia is making consequent its decision last fall to ban the commercial planting of Genetically Modified Organisms or GMO in its agriculture acreage. The latest decision, effective February 15, 2016 does not at all please Monsanto or the US Grain Cartel.

On February 15, a Russian national import ban on soybeans and corn imports from the United States took effect. The Russian food safety regulator Rosselkhoznadzor announced that the ban was because of GMO and of microbial contamination and the absence of effective US controls on soybean and corn exports to prevent export of quarantinable grains, also known as microbial contamination. The Russian food safety regulator added that corn imported from the US is often infected with dry rot of maize. In addition, he said, corn can be used for GMO crops in Russia. The potential damage from import and spread of quarantinable objects on the territory of Russia is estimated at $126 -189 million annually.

Striking the heart of the GMO cartel

The Russian decision is a huge blow to USA agribusiness. For decades, the US grain cartel companies–ADM, Cargill, Bunge–have dominated the global trade in soybeans and corn, the most widely used animal feed for cattle, pigs, chickens because of its high protein content.

Today, the contamination of national agriculture and the food chain in different countries, even those banning planting of GMO crops, typically comes in through a back door, namely, the free import of GMO contaminated corn and soybeans. I’ve been told by people in a position to know that EU agriculture policy is determined less by European farmer organizations, for example, than by the large US agribusiness lobby of Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta, Cargill and friends. Similarly, though until recently the Chinese government officially banned planting or licensing of GMO crops inside China’s commercial agriculture, GMO has inundated the country via a loophole that allows unrestricted import of GMO soybeans. Today more than 60% of all soybeans consumed in China or used for animal feed is GMO. The Russian decision, to my knowledge is the first blow to be struck against the powerful GMO agribusiness cartel. Thank US sanctions in effect that the crisis created the opportunity.

As a long-term two year independent laboratory rat experiment has demonstrated, a diet of GMO soybeans or GMO corn over a period of more than six months produces virulent tumors in the GMO-fed rats and excessive early mortality. Were we to eat a diet of McDonald GMO-contaminated hamburgers for a six month period, I shudder to imagine the human damage that would wreak. McDonalds hamburger patties, I was told by an insider in the grain trade, contains beef supplemented with up to 30% GMO soybeans. Today almost 100% of soybeans on the world market are GMO, most from Monsanto.

With this latest ban, the Russian authorities almost make complete their decision, announced September 2015, to rid the country of GMO for consumption by humans or animals.

That decision still left a gaping loophole by not also banning GMO soybeans and GMO corn. After this latest decision, now the only loophole remaining, which is still significant, to rid Russian agriculture entirely of GMO contamination, is to extend the GMO soybean and GMO corn import ban to all countries which cannot conclusively demonstrate their corn or soybeans are GMO free, using the same criteria used for US soybean and corn imports.

Today the USA is the world’s largest followed by Argentina and Brazil. The three countries produce 85% of all world soybeans. And almost all of that, aside from pockets of certified GMO-free acreage in Brazil, is GMO contaminated.

Then come India and China, each with around 5% of the world total. China recently changed its GMO policy and seems intent on the dubious policy of becoming a leading GMO soybean and maize producer with the $43 billion ChemChina takeover bid last month of Swiss GMO and pesticide giant, Syngenta.

Soybeans are high protein and are used in almost every industrial food product today from chocolate bars (lecithin) to the feed for KFC fried chicken, to soy drinks. Because of the power of the GMO lobby over the past two decades, almost all that soybean food is GMO. As well, the GMO comes into the food chain via so-called high protein “power feed,” a mix of soybeans and corn. Soybean meal and soybean hulls are widely used in animal feeds. This 44% – 48% protein meal is the most common source of protein in feed used in poultry, hog and dairy rations. Corn Gluten Meal, made from processing corn, has a 60% protein content and is used widely for poultry and dairy cattle feed in the USA, Canada and the EU.

Despite the fact that a majority of EU member countries, including Germany, have chosen to ban planting of GMO, a Brussels loophole permits ADM and Cargill unlimited import of soybeans or corn that is GMO. That way the food chain is contaminated via GMO in the animal diet.

Since near 93% of USA corn today and 94% of its soybeans are GMO today, a safe rule-of-thumb is the precautionary principle–ban it unless proven GMO-free, which is precisely what Russian authorities have done. The Precautionary Principle is simply that, if regulatory authorities are not 100% certain it is GMO-free, prohibit it.

The US-based agribusiness cartel, led by Cargill and Monsanto, ensured that the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Agriculture, written by a former Vice President of Cargill, Daniel Amstutz, prioritized the right of free trade above that of national food health and safety. The latest move by the Russian Federation authorities shows that a major food-producing nation, today surpassing the USA as world’s largest grain producer, in part thanks to the foolish US sanctions on Russia, is prioritizing the health and safety of its citizens above the corporate interests of agribusiness. That’s a healthy development.

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

Ref: http://journal-neo.org/2016/02/26/russia-bans-us-gmo-imports/

Selasa, 16 Februari 2016

Who is Fighting the Invisible War on Russia?

(Gordon Duff, NEO) It may not be the United States. There is a war going on, not in Syria or against Eastern Ukraine or the dozen other hot spots around the world. World War III may already be under way, started over Sinai when an airliner was downed, or over Ukraine when another was downed or maybe on the pages of a newspaper.

Image result for russian warGovernments spend nearly as much on the stuff of conspiracy theories, hoaxes, black propaganda, or even organizing their own opposition, be it phony activist groups or even terror organizations than they spend on spying on their own people, and we are learning how much that has cost with frightening revelations nearly every day.

Before we move into background, we might want to take a minute to look at something. In today’s world of “internet reality” where a viral YouTube video a child could create with computer generated graphics and crisis actors may well now be preferred to the old standby, attacking yourself using agent provocateurs wearing enemy uniforms.

Governments have found that events like 9/11, claimed by engineers, scientists and investigators to be something totally different that claimed by the Bush regime in Washington, are no longer needed to start wars or justify the takeover of American government by organized crime, most probably the real reason for the 9/11 “event.”

What can safely be assumed is that nothing is what it seems, no terror group, no “outrage,” not even the geopolitical conflicts fed the masses. Anyone who refuses to knuckle under to organized crime is targeted for regime change, typically begun by either sanctions, a color revolution or a “just add water” instant terror group like ISIS or Boko Harum, intelligence agency constructs so obvious that little explanation is needed.

Image result for We are Not CharlieYou see, one government can never accuse another of a false flag attack, not and risk being accused of spreading “conspiracy theories,” no matter how lame the event such as the 7/7 London attacks debunked by John Anthony Hill in his film, Ripple Effect, or the Charlie Hebdo “event” in Paris, deconstructed by Dr. Kevin Barrett in his widely banned book, “We are Not Charlie.”

The question today, or how we begin, is taking a quick look at the highly acclaimed somewhat fictional political television show in America called Madame Secretary. In this very popular mainstream network fictional drama, a woman becomes Secretary of State when her corrupt predecessor is murdered in what is later learned, on the TV show at least, to be a plot by the CIA to bring about a war with Russia.

A few episodes later something quite amazing happens. Though characters in this type of drama are usually fictional and bashing Russia or Iran has been a Hollywood staple for some time, a new and very unexpected plot line emerges.

In this story, the President’s plane, Air Force One, is “hacked,” taken control of totally and is nearly destroyed, killing the fictional president played by veteran actor Keith Carradine. Russia is immediately blamed and America retaliates by disabling Moscow’s power grid through.

Then something quite amazing happens. As both Russia and America approach a nuclear confrontation, it is learned that the real attack was staged, not by Russia, but by the new government of Ukraine, a government brought to power by a US backed coup. The new president of Ukraine had ordered the terror attack, remind you the “fictional” new president of a not so fictional Ukraine, in order to blame Russia and convince the US to flood Ukraine with weapons, “lethal aid” as opposed to advisors.

Ukraine believed that a false flag ploy might actually bring in American forces, which as we learn, would have been subjected to attack by Ukrainian Secret Service dressed as Russian troops.

Image result for Madam SecretaryThis is the question we pose, was this plotline in Madame Secretary, framed with a highly accurate depiction of Washington politics and American policymaking procedure set in a much respected television drama the only way a certain “official channel” in Washington could explain is position on the MH17 downing? The comparison between the real and fictional events are simply too close to ignore. Now we can do some background.

Yesterday, the UK Guardian, the world’s last mainstream “investigative news organization,” reported that 470,000 had been killed in the Syrian conflict, a much higher figure than given before. The source for that figure, which any reasonable analyst can assume will be blamed on Russia or the Assad government in Damascus, was not just obscure, it was a total fabrication.

The Guardian and the hundreds of other news organizations that picked up the story, were quoting the Syrian Center for Policy Research. Within minutes a web page was found, one created from a template in less than an hour.

A Facebook listing was found as well as well as several online voluntary listings typically used by ad hoc groups such as the 1.5 million “non-governmental organizations,” or NGO’s the UN no longer bothers to be involved with anymore.

There is no membership for the SCPR, no governing board, no officers, no offices listed, no specifics of any kind. When I reported this to Veterans Today’s editor, Jim W. Dean, he immediately assumed defacto control of the ethereal organization, not assuming they were a harmless hoax but rather, though done in a humorous vein, they are something else.

Maybe the vacuous “SCPR” is just like the “SHRO,” the source of the long debunked sarin gas stories that nearly brought the world to war, yes the good old “Syrian Human Rights Observatory,” the all-powerful source of information the Guardian, Washington Post and other news organizations still use.

Some months ago, it was found initially by Veterans Today and then by Russia Today that the “SHRO” was actually one man living over a noodle shop in the bleak British town of Coventry. The hundreds, maybe even thousands of news stories issued by him, as one man is not a “group” or “organization,” were all simply made up. The “confirmed reports” that nearly brought the world to war were not so innocent inventions.

Worse still, in the United States, the profound anti-government movement, a combination of militia extremists, white supremacists, the Israeli-Saudi-Turkish lobby and organized crime, which includes not only Wall Street but their real lifelong partners in narcotics and human trafficking, the Pentagon and running America’s political parties.

Somehow, in the process those opposing Washington’s excesses were to embrace not only closed borders but became torture advocates, push for expanded police powers, lower wages, fewer consumer and environmental protections and elimination of all oversight of election fraud.

Image result for jail Obama and ClintonThus, those screaming to jail Obama and Clinton also hail “boots on the ground” in Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan and seizure of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal.

Let’s suppose America’s elections are rigged, that Bush was never fairly elected, that congress is bought and paid for with drug money and that America’s courts, media and police are totally corrupt, run by drug cartels or paid off by foreign intelligence services.

Then, were this last statement a safe assumption, and I believe this to be the case, wouldn’t every political, intellectual and social function that failed to take these “facts” into account be nothing more than folly and delusion?

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”


Ahad, 7 Februari 2016

Zika: Why Biotech is Imperative to National Security

(Ulson Gunnar - NEO) When we think of national security, we think of tanks, jets, missile defense systems and more recently, information space. But what about the realm of the microscopic, the biological or the genetic?
453453454Whether you think biotechnology, genetics and microbes constitute another plane upon the modern battlefield or not is irrelevant. Someone else already does, and they have a head start on the rest of the world.
Genotype Specific Bioweapons

The Project for a New American Century or PNAC for short, penned a particularly unhinged policy paper in 2000 titled, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century.”
In it, among many other things, it specifically writes:
Although it may take several decades for the process of transformation to unfold, in time, the art of warfare on air, land, and sea will be vastly different than it is today, and “combat” likely will take place in new dimensions: in space, “cyber-space,” and perhaps the world of microbes. 
…advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.
Advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes sound like the stuff of science fiction, and even if it were developed, it would be by the “bad guys,” right?

Wrong. As a matter of fact, the Western-backed apartheid government in South Africa in the 1980’s under Project Coast, attempted to create genotype specific bioweapons aimed at sterilizing the nation’s black women. PBS Frontline’s article, “What Happened in South Africa?” would recount:
In 1998 South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission held hearings investigating activities of the apartheid-era government. Toward the end of the hearings, the Commission looked into the apartheid regime’s Chemical and Biological Warfare (CBW) program and allegations that it developed a sterility vaccine to use on black South Africans, employed toxic and chemical poison weapons for political asssassination, and in the late 1970s provided anthrax and cholera to Rhodesian troops for use against guerrilla rebels in their war to overthrow Rhodesia’s white minority rule.
While South Africa’s entire CBW program was abhorrent, what is particularly frightening is the use of South Africa’s national vaccination program as a vector for infecting black women with viruses meant to sterilize them. Now that vaccination programs are being pushed globally, there lies the danger that such weapons could be used against entire regions of the planet.

PBS would elaborate further on the CBW program, stating that the South African government:
Developed lethal chemical and biological weapons that targeted ANC [African National Congress] political leaders and their supporters as well as populations living in the black townships. These weapons included an infertility toxin to secretly sterilize the black population; skin-absorbing poisons that could be applied to the clothing of targets; and poison concealed in products such as chocolates and cigarettes.   
PNAC’s dream of genotype specific bioweapons then, is not some far-off science fiction future, it is something that has been pursued in earnest for decades, and apparently by interests aligned to the West, not enemies of it.
Zika and GM Mosquitoes 

Though it is so far impossible to confirm a link between the two, it is troubling nonetheless to see the mosquito-transmitted Zika virus spreading in Brazil precisely from where GM (genetically modified) mosquitoes were released several years ago.
A 2012 entry in Nature titled, “Brazil tests GM mosquitoes to fight Dengue,” would report:
Scientists in Brazil say an experiment to reduce populations of the dengue-carrying Aedes aegyptimosquito, by releasing millions of genetically modified (GM) insects into the wild, is working. 
More than ten million modified male mosquitoes were released in the city of Juazeiro, a city of 288,000 people, over a period of time starting a year ago.
The US CDC (Center for Disease Control) would report that Zika virus cases in northeast Brazil were first officially recognized in early 2015, with international hysteria finally reached early this year. The cases seem most concentrated in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco, upon the borders of which the city of Juazeiro lies.

What could have happened between 2011 and 2016 that might have led to this development? Could the GM mosquitoes designed to stamp out dengue have mutated in some unpredictable way? And could this experiment have caused the Zika virus itself to mutate in an unpredictable way? It already has mutated once, allowing it to spread among humans more prolifically.

Or what if GM mosquitoes supposedly meant to wipe out dengue were serving as a vector for something else entirely? We can only imagine the sort of stories, excuses and feigned ignorance the South African government would have conjured had its genotype specific bioweapons worked, and black women began turning up sterilized in huge numbers after receiving their “vaccines.”

Mosquitoes as a Vaccine Vector 

Using mosquitoes as a vector to deliver engineered genetic material to humans as a sort of involuntary, inescapable “vaccine” is already a reality. The London Telegraph in its article, “Genetically modified mosquitos could be used to spread vaccine for malaria,” reported in 2010 that:
Experts believe “flying vaccinators” could eventually be a radical new way of tackling malaria.
The new approach targets the salivary gland of the Anopheles mosquito.
Scientists in Japan have engineered an insect producing a natural vaccine protein in its saliva which is injected into the bloodstream when it bites. 
The “prototype” mosquito carries a vaccine against Leishmania, another potentially fatal parasite disease spread by sand flies.
And if mosquitoes can naturally deliver viruses, and scientists can alter what mosquitoes carry and infect hosts with, it is possible to engineer viruses to deliver virtually anything into targeted populations much in the same way viruses are re-engineered into vectors in labs today through a process called gene therapy. In the wrong hands, this technology and these techniques could become terrifying weapons.

For those in the middle of the Zika virus hysteria, perhaps it already has.

How Could They? Why Would They?

To answer “how could they possibly do something so diabolical?” we need only think back to 2003 and recall how the United States intentionally lied to the world, then between its initial invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq, killed upward to a million people. This includes several thousand of its own soldiers and civilians, many of whom it appears were killed by militants armed and funneled into the country by the United States’ closest regional allies, with the US’ resolute backing.

To answer “why” American and European special interests seek to render any particular population sick, weak and they and/or their offspring incapable of  perpetuating a viable civilization, PNAC itself sums it up quite clearly:
The United States is the world’s only superpower, combining preeminent military power, global technological leadership, and the world’s largest economy. Moreover, America stands at the head of a system of alliances which includes the world’s other leading democratic powers. At present the United States faces no global rival. America’s grand strategy should aim to preserve and extend this advantageous position as far into the future as possible.
A population racked with birth defects, diminishing health and IQs and a lack of physical vitality constitutes the enemy every hegemon throughout history has dreamt of facing both on the battlefield and upon the grand chessboard of geopolitics.

Whether the Zika outbreak is linked to some insidious biowarefare program, an experiment gone wrong or simply the forces of nature, it showcases the danger biology can pose and reminds us of what greater dangers may yet await us if we do not properly prepare and protect ourselves.

Domestic Biotech is Imperative to National Defense 

It has been almost painful to watch the rest of the world attempt to catch up to the United States and Europe in the information war. For decades the West dominated information warfare without contest.

Only now have nations like Russia, China, Iran and others finally caught up and in some cases exceeded Western capabilities. Only now are nations finally investing seriously in information and cyber warfare capabilities. Only now does it seem that nations realize the folly of depending on others for both information, and information technology.

Russia recently decided to switch to local computer processor manufacturers to run on all computers used for official business. This is because foreign corporations making processors imported into the Russian Federation had been apparently compromised on the factory floor with the cooperation of these foreign corporations by US intelligence agencies.

We can easily imagine the danger of having US intelligence agencies getting into Russia’s IT infrastructure through these backdoor passes. It doesn’t take much imagination to think about the trouble US intelligence agencies could cause if they could get inside Russia’s human, natural and agricultural genomes.

Developing a viable domestic biotech industry is not only a matter of economic prosperity, but clearly also a matter of vital national security. Foreign corporations should no better be able to access a nation’s “genetic code and files” than it can its computer code and files. After all, genetic information is not entirely unlike digital information.
Brazil and other nations that have invited foreign biotech corporations to meddle with their human, natural and agricultural genomes are likened to those nations who hand their vital infrastructure over to foreign interests only to find out through Wikileaks years later the sort of invasive spying, abuses and other means of self-serving treachery this access has been exploited for.

Let’s not wait for Wikileaks to tell us 10 years from now just how bad the nations of the world had been infiltrated and exploited through biotechnology before we recognize this industry as absolutely vital to national security and begin investing in it domestically, rather than outsourcing it overseas.

Ulson Gunnar, a New York-based geopolitical analyst and writer especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

  1. http://journal-neo.org/2016/02/07/zika-why-biotech-is-imperative-to-national-security/
  2. http://landdestroyer.blogspot.my/2016/02/zika-why-biotech-is-imperative-to.html

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2016

Saudi Arabia is on the Brink of Regime Change

Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda:

حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ يَحْيَى وَأَحْمَدُ بْنُ يُوسُفَ قَالَا حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الرَّزَّاقِ عَنْ سُفْيَانَ الثَّوْرِيِّ عَنْ خَالِدٍ الْحَذَّاءِ عَنْ أَبِي قِلَابَةَ عَنْ أَبِي أَسْمَاءَ الرَّحَبِيِّ عَنْ ثَوْبَانَ قَالَ
قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَقْتَتِلُ عِنْدَ كَنْزِكُمْ ثَلَاثَةٌ كُلُّهُمْ ابْنُ خَلِيفَةٍ ثُمَّ لَا يَصِيرُ إِلَى وَاحِدٍ مِنْهُمْ ثُمَّ تَطْلُعُ الرَّايَاتُ السُّودُ مِنْ قِبَلِ الْمَشْرِقِ فَيَقْتُلُونَكُمْ قَتْلًا لَمْ يُقْتَلْهُ قَوْمٌ ثُمَّ ذَكَرَ شَيْئًا لَا أَحْفَظُهُ فَقَالَ فَإِذَا رَأَيْتُمُوهُ فَبَايِعُوهُ وَلَوْ حَبْوًا عَلَى الثَّلْجِ فَإِنَّهُ خَلِيفَةُ اللَّهِ الْمَهْدِيُّ

Telah menceritakan kepada kami Muhammad bin Yahya dan Ahmad bin Yusuf keduanya berkata; telah menceritakan kepada kami Abdurrazaq dari Sufyan At Tsauri dari Khalid bin Al Khadza dari Abu Qilabah dari Abu Asma Ar Rahabi dari Tsauban dia berkata,
"Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam bersabda: "Kelak tiga orang akan berperang di perbendaharaan kalian ini (iaitu Ka'bah), dan kesemuanya adalah anak khalifah. Dan tidak ada yang menang melainkan satu orang, lalu muncullah bendera-bendera hitam dari wilayah timur,lantas mereka memerangi kamu (orang Arab) dengan suatu peperangan yang belum pernah dialami oleh kaum sebelummu. Jika kalian melihatnya, maka berbaiatlah kepadanya walaupun sambil merangkak di atas salji, karena sesungguhnya dia adalah khalifah Allah Al Mahdi."
Sunan Ibnu Majah, Kitabul Fitan Bab Khurujul Mahdi 5:4074: Mustadrak Al-Hakim 4:463-464.

Saudi Arabia is on the Brink of Regime Change  by Peter Lvov

It seems that Saudi Arabia has started to undergo the transformation various experts predicted. Those became obvious when the sitting king Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud replaced his deceased elder brother Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud in January 2015, and made a number of quite unusual arrangements within the ruling elite, appointing the head of the Ministry of Interior Muhammad bin Nayef from Abdullah’s clan the Crown Prince, while his 33-year-old son Mohammad bin Salman Al Saudfrom the Sudairy clan received the appointment of Deputy Crown Prince. Even back then it was clear that within a short period of time the king would try to hand over all power in the country to his own son by sidestepping Muhammad bin Nayef, while he himself would retire due to Alzheimer’s disease, becoming sort of a “king-father” with no real power, but with the right to an advisory vote on important decisions. Needless to say, it’s a direct violation of the tradition of succession to the throne from brother to brother that has been in place in Saudi Arabia, that is going to be replaced by the father-to-son succession. To make such a transition one should be able to carry out a coup d’etat or win the approval of the succession board, which is formed according to different sources by 7 or 11 members of the Al Saud dynasty.

Now it seems that the wheels of the political machine are moving again. Last week reports from Riyadh indicated that his disease is taking a toll on the king and he wants to renounce his reign in favor of the Crown Prince. But then neighboring states, especially Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, started hinting that the members of the Saudi royal family along with the sheikhs of the strongest tribes, which are the foundation of Al Saud’s rule, are extremely dissatisfied with the sharp deterioration of the economic and social situation in the country, leading to a major drop in their personal incomes. It is no secret that Riyadh increased the volume of oil production to weaken the positions of its main competitors – Russia, Iran and Venezuela. But the kingdom had to take a punch as well, it was forced to unseal its reserve fund and cut the funding of numerous social programs.

And then came the execution of 47 Shia public figures, including the popular human rights activist Nimr Baqir al-Nimr. The executions were designed as a form of retaliation to Iran and Hezbollah for the help they have provided to the Syrian people in the fight against pro-Saudi militants. This step provoked massive unrest in the Shia areas of the kingdom, the areas that produce the better part of all Saudi oil. The country has found itself on the brink of a civil war and a military conflict with Iran at the same time, which has also provoked major discontent in the West. After all, the West needs a politically loyal Iran, a country in which huge investments can be made, especially in oil and gas sectors, in order to push Russian out of the European gas market and the international oil markets at the same time. In this context Tehran is forced to carry on relying on Moscow in the confrontation with Saudi Arabia to ensure its safety and continue providing military assistance to Syria, Iraq and Shia rebels in Yemen.

Now the highly respected Institute for Gulf Affairs is stating that the king of Saudi Arabia Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is preparing to renounce the throne in favor of his son Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud, and has since brought his country to the brink of a disaster.

It means that the 80-year-old Salman is trying desperately hard to persuade his brothers on the succession board to allow him to change the principle of succession of the Saudi throne, since he’s ready to leave, but not so ready for his nephew Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud to rule the country. What the king has been doing is allegedly done “only for the sake of the stability of the kingdom.” Although the reality of the situation is clear – should Salman retain his position, the disintegration of the kingdom is imminent, with certain Shia areas breaking away, while the regions on the border with Yemen which are mostly populated by Yemeni tribes, more than happy to return home. Moreover, the Minister of Interior used to be a habitual cocaine user, so he was only able to “produce” two daughters, and now he’s somewhat incapable of producing more children. Should the king manage to carry out the above described scheme, he will become the first Saudi monarch to leave the throne to his son.

And the fact that there’s a growing crisis in Saudi Arabia was evident from the cuts in subsidies and bonuses that king Salman started at the beginning of this year to reduce the country’s total dependence on oil. After decades of extensive use of oil revenues to subsidize companies’ payment of generous salaries and providing enormous social benefits, falling oil prices struck Saudi Arabia at its heart. It’s enough to say that revenues from oil exports in 2015 alone dropped by half. Ultimately it’s hard to say which country suffers the most from these oil wars – Russia or Saudi Arabia, since the latter has virtually no other sectors to support the economy. Saudi economist Turki Fadaak believes that Saudi Arabia is exiting the policy of “universal welfare”, so there’s an ongoing psychological shift in the minds of the ruling elite of the state. Fadaak is convinced that the ultimate aim of king Salman’s measures is to eliminate the Saudi dependency on oil. But is it really? According to leading international experts – the answer is a resounding “no”, with all the arguments to the contrary nothing more than fantasy.

Although initially it seemed that Salman, who came to power after the death of his brother, King Abdullah, will continue his course, after assuming the throne Salman generously spent over 30 billion dollars from the budget on bonuses for civil servants, military personnel, and students. Additionally, prices for basic goods and services, including fuel, electricity and water prices were kept at extremely low levels due to government subsidies from oil revenues. However, due to falling oil prices, under the pressure of such costs the budget started to rupture. The most important thing now for the kingdom is to execute the transition from the extremely lavish social security system to a productive economy, but then the subjects of the king will be forced to cut their costs, and it looks that they do not agree with this notion. And accusations in the imminent economic collapse will go Salman’s way, so it is better for him to leave now, before protests even start.

It is curious that Saudi Arabia has been rather realistic about its budget for the year 2016, since it was based on the average price of oil keeping at the level 29 dollars per barrel. Last year, the Saudi budget deficit amounted to almost 98 billion dollars and the costs were considerably higher than it was originally planed due to bonuses for civil servants, military personnel and retirees. In 2016 the authorities decided to put up to 49 billion dollars into a special fund to provide funding for the most important projects in case oil prices drop even further. But it was Saudi Arabia back in 2014 that proposed new tactics for OPEC, that implied that there would be no cuts in the level of production, the tactics that drove oil prices to today’s levels.

So we are to learn pretty soon should Riyadh choose the path of the utter and complete collapse of the kingdom, or the path of giving power to the young and pragmatic technocrats who are going to pursue a comprehensive oil policy. Either way, Saudi Arabia will be forced to put an end to the costly military adventures in Syria and Yemen as well as its confrontations with Russia and Iran.

Peter Lvov, Ph.D in political science, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

  1. http://al-faedah.blogspot.my/2015/01/kematian-raja-abdullah-pemicu-hadits.html
  2. http://journal-neo.org/2016/01/23/saudi-arabia-is-on-the-brink-of-regime-change/